We are coming across alot of problems at the moment such as our film isnt up to the level that we wanted and so are looking at new ideas . We found out that we have to have aproxiametly 2 mins worth of footage, so we have looked into several ideas such as:
1. three episodes of the same story line
2. Different shots of the same stpryline trailer
3. A new Trailer/storyline
4. A trailer for TV and atrailer for the internet website
5. Two trailers and a snippet of the actual episode.
Most of these ideas would take up alot of time that we dont really have. We have decided to do number 5. The two trailers and the snippet of the actual episode. This might work better as we can film the footage that we have done before so that it is better and that we have more. Also our second trailer is going to be a trailer of the episode before when the wife is at her mothers grave and she is placing down a picture of their wedding day that she missed. This is all to help with creating the relationships between everybody.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Tomorow morning we are planning to finish our filmimng so that we have all of our footage we can then spend like half a day editing it all together. once we have this we can then add all the finishing touches such as sound track and subtitles/slogans. Then we will have finihsed our trailer and can focus on the magazine and poster... We have also decided that we are going to make the poster more of a billboard kind of poster. and we have thought of maybe having a picture of each of the charcters stood at one end of the billboard each and then having the logo and slogan in between them both.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009

It has sort of worked....?!?! i would have to really take my time to get the picture exactly cut out right for it to work but other than that it doesnt look too bad... but i prefer the others as i think that it would be too much bulk banner kinda of thing as we are using it for our title as well!! This is something that me and my partner will have to think hard about as it could loook effective aslong as we get it right!
Brain Wave!!!!!
I have had a brain wave........
With the picture with the banister, i could carefully cut out the hands adn then make so that they are standing and leaning over a banner... that could possibly have the slogan for the soap written on it....?!?!?!
With the picture with the banister, i could carefully cut out the hands adn then make so that they are standing and leaning over a banner... that could possibly have the slogan for the soap written on it....?!?!?!
Even though we picked this one as one of our three that we liked best , i think that this one would be hard to use for rhte magazine as it has a banister in the picture and it is quite a main feature... although we could easilly get rid of it we would need to replace it with something else in the magazine front cover as otherwise it would just look like they were standing on nothuing and trying to reach for something. >>>>>
Magazine Take 2...

This is a second look at our magzine... i have tried different styles and changed around the pictures to create this idea... at the moment i am just trying out different ideas so that when it comes down to the final one, we have lots of differnt bits we casn choose form as we can put one together from all different ones iof thats what we both agree would loook best!
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Monday, 2 November 2009
Over the half term holidays we spent a whole day filming our soap trailer. WE created the scene with christmas decorations up aorund the living room (my house) and got some brown boxes filled up with childhood toys and ornaments that would add to the eefect that we wanted to create. The day was quite productive and we got alot done, we dont have a lot left to film now, just the end part and some finishing touches to the other parts. AS we are filming a part witha birth cirtificate we had to restart filming all over agin as we started with our actor called Jack then had to change him to Nck as that was the name on the birth cirtificate that we found. Now that we are back to school we can organise another day to finish the final touches and then begin on the editing of the movie. WE also took several pictures on this day also, as this was for our magazine as we needed a shot of the couple to go on the front cover! so we have alot of stuff to sort thru when we get back....
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