Wednesday, 25 November 2009

New Ideas...

We are coming across alot of problems at the moment such as our film isnt up to the level that we wanted and so are looking at new ideas . We found out that we have to have aproxiametly 2 mins worth of footage, so we have looked into several ideas such as:
1. three episodes of the same story line
2. Different shots of the same stpryline trailer
3. A new Trailer/storyline
4. A trailer for TV and atrailer for the internet website
5. Two trailers and a snippet of the actual episode.
Most of these ideas would take up alot of time that we dont really have. We have decided to do number 5. The two trailers and the snippet of the actual episode. This might work better as we can film the footage that we have done before so that it is better and that we have more. Also our second trailer is going to be a trailer of the episode before when the wife is at her mothers grave and she is placing down a picture of their wedding day that she missed. This is all to help with creating the relationships between everybody.

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